Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
Severn Road
Hallen, Bristol
BS10 7SB

Tel: +44 (0)117 938 0084
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Belvoir Fruit Farms is nestled deep in t...Read More
Belvoir Fruit Farms is nestled deep in the picturesque English country...Read More
Belvoir Fruit Farms is nestled deep in the picturesque English countryside, within the idyllic Vale ...Read More

Belvoir Fruit Farms is nestled deep in the picturesque English countryside, within the idyllic Vale of Belvoir. Since 1984, they have been crafting refreshing cordials and pressés by pressing fresh fruit and infusing delicate flowers, all blended with the renowned Belvoir spring water. Known for their commitment to natural ingredients and traditional methods, Belvoir’s drinks capture the true essence of the countryside, delivering flavours that are both refreshing and authentic. Each bottle is a celebration of their dedication to quality and taste, offering a delightful taste of rural England.