Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
Severn Road
Hallen, Bristol
BS10 7SB

Tel: +44 (0)117 938 0084
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The name Bendicks is a blend of the surn...Read More
The name Bendicks is a blend of the surnames of Mr Oscar Benson and Co...Read More
The name Bendicks is a blend of the surnames of Mr Oscar Benson and Colonel Bertie Dickson, who foun...Read More

The name Bendicks is a blend of the surnames of Mr Oscar Benson and Colonel Bertie Dickson, who founded the business in 1930. Their dedication to creating high-quality chocolates quickly earned them an outstanding reputation. Known for their luxurious after-dinner treats, Bendicks is especially celebrated for their iconic Bittermints, a rich dark chocolate filled with a refreshing mint centre. These classic after-dinner mints have become synonymous with sophistication and quality, making them a timeless favourite for those who appreciate indulgent and elegant chocolates.