Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
Severn Road
Hallen, Bristol
BS10 7SB

Tel: +44 (0)117 938 0084
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Since 1897, Post Grape-Nuts has been a b...Read More
Since 1897, Post Grape-Nuts has been a beloved morning staple, bringin...Read More
Since 1897, Post Grape-Nuts has been a beloved morning staple, bringing hearty nutrition and unique ...Read More

Since 1897, Post Grape-Nuts has been a beloved morning staple, bringing hearty nutrition and unique crunch to breakfast tables across America. Interestingly, Grape-Nuts contains neither grapes nor nuts; instead, it’s crafted from wholesome wheat and barley, providing a satisfying and healthy start to your day. Developed by C.W. Post, Grape-Nuts has stood the test of time, not only as a versatile breakfast choice but also as a nutritious ingredient in various recipes. With its timeless appeal and nutritious profile, Grape-Nuts continues to support today’s active lifestyles, making it a part of American history for over a century.