Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
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Hallen, Bristol
BS10 7SB

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Rocks brings you squash made the way it ...Read More
Rocks brings you squash made the way it should be—100% squished, with ...Read More
Rocks brings you squash made the way it should be—100% squished, with only the purest, natural ingre...Read More

Rocks brings you squash made the way it should be—100% squished, with only the purest, natural ingredients. Refreshingly liberating, Rocks squash frees you and your family from artificial soft drinks by using whole fruit and Devonshire spring water for an authentically fresh taste. Crafted for full flavour excitement, each bottle of Rocks squash captures the vibrant essence of real, squished fruit without any unnecessary additives. Enjoy the simplicity and goodness of Rocks, a refreshing choice that celebrates pure ingredients and brings naturally delicious refreshment to every glass.