Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
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BS10 7SB

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Union Coffee

Founded in 2001, Union Coffee is dedicat...Read More
Founded in 2001, Union Coffee is dedicated to making coffee better for...Read More
Founded in 2001, Union Coffee is dedicated to making coffee better for everyone through direct sourc...Read More

Founded in 2001, Union Coffee is dedicated to making coffee better for everyone through direct sourcing and expert small-batch roasting. Union Coffee sources all beans directly from smallholder farmers, ensuring ethical sourcing and fair partnerships. At their East London roastery, Union’s skilled roastmasters carefully roast each batch to highlight the unique flavours of every coffee, bringing out the best in every bean. Union Coffee’s mission is to spread the joy of speciality coffee, reaching baristas, cafés, fine restaurants, and home enthusiasts alike. Discover the world of Union Coffee, where quality and ethical practices are at the heart of every cup.